On screen crosshair android
On screen crosshair android

on screen crosshair android

The problem is that querying the SQLite database can be quite slow at times with lots of data (and let's assume I've already optimized the sql query as much as possible). The cursor is created in onCreate() on the activity from a SQLite database. The structure of some of my activities is a simple ListView with a custom CursorAdapter.


When i ran my old application in 1.6 i noticed that the progress bar was not showing up on the screen.When i analyzed it further i found the issue.The progress bar is getting activated but its not visible since my background color is also white.When i changed the background color i was able to see the progress bar.Is there no other way to make the progress bar visible other than changing the background color.Shouldn't the progress bar be visible under all background colors? View 2 Replies View Related Android :: Moving Cursor Adapter Cursor Creation To Background Thread Mar 29, 2010 View 1 Replies View Related Android :: Progress Bar Not Visible With White Background In 1.6 Sdk / Make It Visible Under All Colors? Sep 21, 2009 But the problem is that the cursor doesn't appear when I'm pressing keys (text is written correctly). I have a textView which is configured as an EditText. View 3 Replies View Related Android :: Phone TextView Doesn't Show Cursor Jan 26, 2010 If I change the resolution then also the number of visible characters changes. For example if I change the orientation this number may change. How can I determine the number of visible characters that a TextView can display. Or, better yet, is there a way to figure out the range of lines currently visible on the screen? For example, as the view scrolls, can I tell that lines 20-60 are currently visible? View 1 Replies View Related Android :: Phone TextView - Determine Number Of Visible Characters Aug 22, 2010 The TextView's getLineCount() gives me the total number of lines used for the entire block of text but I'd like to know how many lines of text are currently visible on the screen. I have a full-screen TextView holding a long Spanned that requires scrolling. Is this a problem or is there a different mechanism to achieve that in Swype? View 8 Replies View Related Android :: Retrieve A TextView's Visible Line Count / Range? Feb 10, 2010 Why is the text cursor not there when using Swype? If I type a paragraph and need to change a word, I need to be able to put a cursor right where the word is so I can edit/delete/replace the word. Samsung Captivate :: Text Cursor In Swype Not Visible Jul 26, 2010

  • Android :: How Often And For How Long Widget Is Visible? (Statistics).
  • Android :: Google Calendar Not Showing All (Set To Visible).
  • Android :: BlueBill Mobile Not Visible On Market.

    Android :: How To Get Visible Size On Activity?.Android :: New Contact Not Visible In Droid / What To Do?.Android :: Paid App Not Visible In Australia / What To Do?.


    Android :: How Update Widget Often But Only When It Is Visible.Android :: Check If A View Is Visible Or Not?.Android :: Some Installed Apps Not Visible.Android :: Plugin Not Visible In Eclipse.Android :: Google Calendar - Other Not Visible.Android :: How To Divide TextView Into 2 Seperate TextView In Android.Android :: How Can Pass Text Of Textview From One Class To Other Class Textview.

    on screen crosshair android

    Android :: Android TextView's Background Not Moving When TextView - Padding Changes.Clear Textview And Add New Textview While Click Next Category?.Create TextView On ActivityResult - No TextView Displaying.Android :: Android RelativeLayout - Trying To Vertically Center A TextView When The TextView Below Has No Text.Android :: 2 String In A TextView Listen Seperated Clickevent In 1 TextView.Android :: Join ContentResolver Cursor With A Database Cursor.Android :: Moving Cursor Adapter Cursor Creation To Background Thread.Android :: Progress Bar Not Visible With White Background In 1.6 Sdk / Make It Visible Under All Colors?.Android :: Phone TextView Doesn't Show Cursor.Android :: Phone TextView - Determine Number Of Visible Characters.Android :: Retrieve A TextView's Visible Line Count / Range?.Samsung Captivate :: Text Cursor In Swype Not Visible.Should I do something more to make cursor visible on the GUI screen or its a bug in android? View 4 Replies But in my case, cursor is remaining invisible irrespective of setting the visibility "true" or "false" using android:cursor Visible = "true" in the layout/main.xml. In the android reference site, it is written in the serCursorVisible section that cursor is visible by default and you can give its value as either "true or "false" to change the its visibility on the GUI screen. Android :: Set Cursor Visible In TextView Apr 9, 2009

    On screen crosshair android